Join us and other veterans as we engage in the preservation of unaltered history. Free to veterans, we are your place to share your story.

Chronicle your sliver of history making sure the truth of your service endures. Unlike the tech giants, let your story be told unedited and uncensored.


Memorials of Valor is our platform to honor the fallen and Veterans who have served with valor. These living memorials are a powerful way to preserve their service, their stories, their honor, and their legacy.

Join us today in reaching our goal of 500 new Memorials of Valor by Memorial Day. We have reached 1/2 of our 500 goal!

Use Code: MemorialDay2024 Create a Memorial of Valor


Don't let social media dictate history to you. Learn and live history through the eyewitness accounts of the people that were actually there.

See clips from some of our Valor Documentaries.


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Free to Veterans, the Valor Vault provides a user-friendly interface to privately capture and protect memories in all forms, anywhere. You can share your story through video, audio, photos and documents.

The Valor Vault Provides:

  • • Filming and video upload capability
  • • Collaborative sharing of captured histories
  • • Recording and uploading of audio stories to photos
  • • Creation and uploading of documents and written histories and accounts
  • • Creation of photo archive galleries
  • • Generation of slide shows using selected criteria within the picture library



Collecting stories and connecting people is at the heart of what we do. The Hear Our Heroes Collections take the eyewitness accounts provided by you, and combines them into a comprehensive, searchable view of different perspectives of the same war, battle, or experience. Don’t leave these histories to the interpretation of a textbook author. Share your personal history as part of the collective thereby connecting with others and educating and inspiring the future generations of the world.